Transition Year

In Cabinteely Community School, subjects are offered as core subjects, subject samples and TY specific modules. The core subjects include English, Maths, Irish, Religion, Modern Foreign Languages, Digital Media Literacy/ IT, PE and work experience.

There are 47 subjects for students to choose from on an optional basis. These include Junk Kouture, Young Social Innovators, Car Maintenance, Stage Production, Enterprise, Photography, Japanese, Culture, Spanish, Horticulture, Robotics, Public Speaking, Journalism, Debating, Gender Studies and Climate Change.

Leaving Certificate subject samples are offered on an 11-week rotational basis. The aim of this is to give students experience of as many subjects as possible so that they make an informed subject choice for their Leaving Certificate. These include Music, Home Economics, Business, Design and Communication Graphics, Construction Studies, Physical Education, Engineering, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

TY Credit System


Assessment Details

Credits Awarded

Attendance & Punctuality 90% min 40
Core Subjects




15 credits per subject

Eportfolio modules

Written Exams twice during the year

Continuous Assessment

Subject Sampling Modules





Home Economics

History/Geography/ Religion

Computer Science/Leaving Cert PE

Construction/DCG/Engineering/ Technology


10 credits per module/subject


Eportfolio modules


Continuous Assessment

TY Enrichment Modules

Car Maintenance/Digital Media Literacy/Japanese/Cultural Studies

Hair & Beauty/ Horticulture/Drivers Theory

Robotics/Coding/Virtual Reality/Dreamspace

Photography/Film Studies/Debating/Gender Studies

Astronomy/Sustainable Development/Stage Production/Public Relations

10 credits per module/subject

Portfolio modules

Work Experience Attendance, evaluation, employers report 45
Wellbeing Modules


Relationships & Sexuality Education

Work Experience – Career Investigation



Portfolio modules

Extra-Curricular participation


Sports Teams, Committees, Mentors, Leadership Modules, Activities 20
Portfolio or EPortfolio: Interview,

Content: storage, workspace, showcase,

  TOTAL 400


Credit Awards:

340-400 = Distinction           240-339 = Merit            160-239 = Pass                0-159 Participation only


  • Why participate in the Transition Year Programme?

    One of the main benefits of the TY programme is that it develops maturity in students by;

    • helping them to become more self-directed learners through the development of general, technical and academic skills.
    • by developing work-related skills in relation to work and careers.
    • providing opportunities to develop communication skills, self-confidence and a sense of responsibility
    • developing greater ‘people’ skills and more awareness of the world outside school.

  • How does Transition Year help students?

    The wider benefits of TY include:
    • discover their personal strengths
    • improve self-esteem
    • build interpersonal & team skills
    • make wiser & more informed choices for Leaving Certificate and University
    • extend learning experience beyond the classroom
    • catch up in subjects which they find difficult (especially Irish, English and Maths)
    • develop study skills for the Leaving Certificate
    • explore the working world
    • achieve improved Leaving Certificate results (students score on average 45 points better)

  • Why should I get involved in the Transition Year Programme?

    The 2005 ERSI report found that, “on average, students who took part in Transition Year achieved higher Leaving Certificate exam grades and were more likely to go on to higher education than non-participants.”

    Having an extra year means students are likely to think more about what subjects they should take for the Leaving Certificate and sample new ones.

  • Programme Content

    Classes are offered in Transition Year across three spectrums – core subjects, subject sampling and elective modules.

    Work experience is an important part of TY. Students get the chance to pursue their interests and consider where those interests might take them. There will be three separate weeks of work experience, one in each semester throughout the year.

    See our TY Curriculum Plan for details of subjects offered each year.

  • What about Exams?

    Assessment is a key part of any worthwhile learning programme. Transition Year is an opportunity to move beyond the narrow focus of end-of-year written exams only. The emphasis is on varied and on-going assessment. There will be written exams twice a year for the core subjects. There will also be project work, portfolio work and exhibitions of students’ work. There is a credit system in place for TY.

    A total of 400 credits can be earned by students through full participation in all aspects of school life. Students can gain a distinction, a merit, a pass or a participation only cert. A full breakdown of the credit system is available.

  • How can parents can get involved?

    Parents’ understanding of and support for student learning in TY is a key factor in a successful Transition Year experience.
    Some parents make their particular expertise available to the school during the TYP.

    Parents will be involved also in the school’s evaluation of the programme.

    Parents should encourage their sons and daughters to avail of the numerous opportunities offered by this unique programme.

    Full attendance is mandatory. This is not a year to relax and lose motivation. There will be homework, it may not be always written, but there will be presentations to make, speeches to write, portfolios to update and reflections to complete.