Student Prefects

The Role of Prefects in CCS

A school prefect is a 6th Year student who has been meticulously chosen to carry out certain responsibilities and duties within their school. Once chosen, students must fulfil their roles to the best of their abilities.

Led by our School Captains, Prefects have a leadership role within the school. Their main function is to be positive role models for our students. Prefects have various duties such as:

  • Supervising clean up after break and lunchtimes. (creating a rota to do so)
  • Supervising microwaves and grills for senior students located in The Prefect Room
  • Helping with signing in late students at the front office in the AM
  • Helping to supervise 1st years at lunchtime (creating a rota to do so)
  • Greeting parents and managing the sign-in sheet at parent-teacher meetings
  • Organising tours on Open Night and welcoming parents on the night
  • Being a voice for students at school events and representing the school to the best of their abilities
  • Operating a “buddy system” for incoming first years and other junior students in need of guidance
  • Chairing regular team meetings under the guidance of the 6th Year YH
  • Visiting other CT’s and totalling up merits, etc
  • Prefects are also expected to adhere to the schools learning code at all times; this includes wearing the correct uniform, being on time to CT and lessons and being fully respectful of their fellow students and members of staff.