Cabinteely Community School is a DEIS school which means that we are one of 194 Post primary schools in Ireland who receive additional resources to Deliver Equality of Education outcomes to our students. One of the requirements of a DEIS school is to have in place a comprehensive DEIS Plan.
Our DEIS Plan 2022-23 is available to view here.
The DEIS Plan sets out ambitious targets to improve the identified areas in which DEIS schools struggle more than non-DEIS schools; ie Attendance, Attainment, Retention, Transitions, Literacy, Numeracy and Partnership with parents and with others based on data gathered in the school.
In Cabinteely Community School, we have devised our own Strategic Plan which incorporates the DEIS Plan and our approach to Wellbeing in a School Self Evaluation process based on the Looking at Our Schools 2016 & 2022 Framework.

In 2018, we started the process of choosing areas in which we felt consistent and incremental improvement was important and called it Our Vision document.
Identified Areas for School Self-Evaluation 2018

Over the next few years, we made improvement in these areas and defined more clearly the direction in which we were going.
Developments up to 2021

In May 2021, we review our posts of responsibility roles as part of our two yearly review and identified further areas for development.
Post of Responsibility Review 2021 – Areas Identified

Strategic Plan 2022-23
In 2022-23 we set out our targets for the year emphasising areas of ongoing focus and those which are new developments for us.